October 23, 2013, people concerned about a proposal to end net-metering in Arizona rallied in front of Arizona Public Service Company’s downtown headquarters. Organized by the TUSK (Tell Utilities Solar won’t be Killed) coalition, over 40 Arizona citizens gathered to protest APS’s proposal submitted to the Arizona Corporation Commission. This proposal would substantially reduce the rate of payment APS credits to residents with rooftop solar panels who generate energy in excess of their household needs and sends it to the grid. It also proposes a significant monthly surcharge for customers with rooftop solar.
The rally caught the interest of three local newscasts as well as The Arizona Republic. As one opponent of APS proposal, Kevin Hengehold, stated, “For me, net metering is about freedom. With rooftop solar, my roof is a power plant producing retail electric power. When I make more than I use, I get to sell that to my neighbors at the market rate – that is, what APS is charging for it. My freedom doesn’t sunset, and neither should net metering.”
Let the Arizona Corporation Commission know that you support rooftop solar in Arizona. The Commission is set to vote on APS’s proposal November 13, 2013. Contact information for the ACC is here.