Long gone is the granola-crunching stereotype of hippie commune residential solar.
Arizona Governor Jan Brewerhas had residential rooftop solar for over 40 years. “Arizona was
made for solar energy,” Brewer said at a
recent unveiling of new mobile solar venture.
The Governor established The Solar Energy Advisory Task Force through the Governor’s Office of Energy Policy in 2011 to: evaluate incentives; identify impediments to distributive solar; evaluate and reform public processes & tax structures; advise the Governor on “any solar energy matters deemed worthy by the Task Force.”
Last year, an Elliott D. Pollack and Co. study concluded that Arizona’s solar energy industry is worth$2 billion to Arizona’s economy, linked to 16,000 jobs. The Solar Energy Industries Association and Arizona State University have found that solar manufacturers and installers in Arizona account for 5,265 workers, $237 million in annual wages and $585 million in economic impact for Arizona.
Governor Brewer’s residential solar choice is validated by Arizonians. The U.S. Solar Market Insight report for the first quarter of 2013 finds that Arizona’s residential solar installation capacity exceeds the state’s utility & business install capacity. Arizona now ranks fourth in the nation for solar energy generating capacity. Join the Governor to “save money, improve comfort, and help protect the environment” with your residential solar installation.” Contact us today.