Arizona State University has put “light-inspired” research under one interdisciplinary center, LightWorks.
Introducing LightWorks from ASU Research on Vimeo.
Not only does this venture consist of solar energy generation installs on the three ASU campuses, it includes the Utility of the Future Center. The Center encompasses a utility working group to prepare utilities for the coming decentralized energy grid, an advisory center for regulators, and assistance for consumers to “increasingly provide, monitor and control their own energy production and consumption.” LightWorks also contains QESST (Quantum Energy and Sustainable Solar Technologies), a partnership between industry and university research to “revitalize the U.S. PV industry, allowing it to dominate the expected trillion dollar PV market.”
The University of Arizona’s Photovoltaics Research Lab performs PV performance analysis as well as examining was to integrate solar with other renewable energies. The Arizona Research Institute for Solar Energy, AzRise, brings together the University of Arizona, industry and government to incorporate research, economics, public policy, and education. Students and faculty of AzRise come from diverse departments–Engineering, Optical Science, Architecture, Agriculture, Economics & Public Policy—to discover new PV materials, storage and desalinization systems with The Solar Zone at the UA Tech Park in Tucson.
The mission ofNorthern Arizona University’s Institute for Sustainable Energy Solutions (ISES) is to educate the next generation of solar technologists, pilot new solar technologies, shape public & private industry decision-making and “increase the public’s energy literacy.” One of ISES current projects is a joint study with EnerNex and General Electric of solar and wind energy integration on the Salt River Project.
With billions of dollars of research, student education resources and industry joint ventures, Arizona universities are not only betting on the future of solar energy generation in Arizona, they are guaranteeing its future. Call us today to join the Arizona solar brain trust with your business or residential installation.