On August 8, 2014, California broke a world-wide record for the most energy generated by solar power in history: 2,505 megawatts. Let’s help set a new record with the aid of rooftop solar by streamlining the installation process, join Project Permit.
Rooftop solar prices have come down drastically in the last few years due to photovoltaic and manufacturing innovation. One cost, however, has remained the same: your permit to install fee.
Vote Solar, a nonprofit organization fighting climate change and promoting the economic benefits of solar energy from the grassroots, is dedicated to bringing solar to scale through advocacy campaigns to eliminate regulatory obstacles on the city, state and national levels.
Use Project Permit’s collaborative website to see your city’s score on their local permitting practices and how your local permitting authority stacks up nation-wide. Your city is scored on seven basic questions:
Posts requirements online?
Enables online processing?
Fast turn around time?
Reasonable permitting fees?
No community specific licenses needed?
Offers a narrow inspection appointment window?
Eliminates excessive inspections?
Help fill in missing data as well as let your city know how to implement best practices. Download a personalized report of your city’s score and a letter you can send to your mayor asking for improvement.